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Our Animal Welfare Clinic is situated at 23 The Stow, Harlow, Essex CM20 3AN – Map

RSPCA Stort Valley Branch is a separately registered charity and we rely on donations from the public to continue to provide animal welfare services when needed.

As a branch we fundraise by various events and collections, which enable us to provide a clinic staffed by qualified Veterinary Surgeons for people on a means tested benefit. Please note that we are a limited service provider and do not have operating or imaging facilities.

Clients must also be registered with a primary vet care provider who is able to provide a full range of care services including emergency cover. We are also happy to offer advice on the care of animals, shelters and rescue centres, etc.

Our branch area extends from Saffron Walden Essex to Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, including Bishop’s Stortford, Harlow and the villages surrounding this corridor.

When the clinic is closed, our out-of-hours emergency private veterinary support is  who have a vet hospital in Epping. Clients will be responsible for the full cost of treatment immediately at Forest’s current prices and these costs cannot be claimed back from the RSPCA

Animal Welfare Clinic:

Monday 10.00am – 3.30pm
Monday to Thursday

New clients – qualifying criteria

The clinic is for people in receipt of state benefits, this includes Job Seekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance, Disability Living Allowance and Working Tax Credit, any of which must also be accompanied by Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support.  Individuals on a low income and receiving Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support, or senior citizens in receipt of a State Pension, are also eligible to use our services.

We are a Limited Service Provider and therefore clients must be registered with a primary veterinary practice, who are able to provide a full range of services outside of our scope of practice.

Who we will see

We do not have X-ray facilities and can’t perform surgery. If these are required then you must contact your primary care provider and you will be responsible for all costs incurred there.

If you live outside our branch area, then you should initially contact your local RSPCA branch.

You can check whether you are inside our branch area using our postcode list & maps.

Postcode List & Maps

Contact the Clinic

Contact us on 01279 306058 or email:

Our phone and email address are only monitored when the clinic is open
