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Charity volunteer Marion completes 20 years of service

An RSPCA volunteer who has completed 20 years of service with the animal welfare charity has been hailed a hero by her colleagues.

As treasurer and co-ordinator of the RSPCA’s Stort Valley branch, Marion Wellsman has overseen public donations, accounts and membership.

Colleague Marie Shaw said: “She has completed seven days a week of unpaid work for 20 years and I feel she deserves some recognition.

“It is a full-on job as we have to be on call all of the time. Marion has done so much for the town in her time and she should be celebrated.”

Mrs Wellsman, who lives in Harlow, worked as an accountant before joining the RSPCA after she retired in 1995.

She was part of the original core team that opened the branch’s animal clinic and advice centre in The Stow in 1997 and has worked hard to serve the community ever since.

Mrs Shaw added: “We currently have nine staff and are always on the lookout for more people to help.”

Anyone interested should phone 01279 306058.

Contact the Clinic

Contact us on 01279 306058 or email: clinic@rspcastortvalley.org.uk

Our phone and email address are only monitored when the clinic is open
